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HealthSherpa Link Not Working?

If the O’Neill Marketing Join code isn’t working, it’s because your site cookies have locked you in with a carrier based Healthsherpa account.

This means it’s an United or Ambetter only HS account. This can be verified by seeing a carrier logo in the top left of the screen. 


It’s possible you were unaware of this, because it’s a tricky move on the carrier’s part. There is no value to using this if you intended to use a standard HealthSherpa account.

If you created an account on one of these sites, you will need to pick a new email address to use in the future steps. 



To fix this issue, you need to open up a private or an incognito window. I’m using chrome so it’s Ctrl-Shift-N

Go to – – in the Private/Incognito window. 

The correct HealthSherpa account will look like this. It will have the HealthSherpa logo in the top left. This is a standard account that will show you all carriers. Once here Click “For Agents” as shown below




Click Start Enrolling Faster

If you had created a carrier only account as mentioned earlier in this guide, you will need to use a a different email here. That old email is already taken by that last account. Create a new standard HealthSherpa account.

Once you are done creating your new standard HealthSherpa account you can go back to the normal browsing tab. Log in with the standard account’s information. It may still look like a carrier account, even after you log in.


As soon as you get in the account, click the gear icon in the top right, then log out. 


Once you are logged out you will notice that the carriers logo is gone. You will see your name or logo in the top left now. In this example you see my logo. Click sign in found in the top right.  


You will now be able to log into your standard Health Sherpa account from normal browsing. The logo in the top right will be a good indicator of this.    

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