Linking your HealthSherpa with O’Neill Marketing

You can link your HealthSherpa account with O’Neill Marketing using the join code 6334.

If you are an independent agent that does not have any downline and does not plan on having any downline for the foreseeable future:

The following is only for agents with no upline.  If you have an upline, you should contact your immediate upline for linking instructions.

When you create your account, select “Join an existing agency” and enter the join code 6334 on the next page:

If you have already created an account, you can link with O’Neill Marketing in your Settings tab using the join code 6334:

If you are the principal of an agency:

It is recommended that you create an Agency account:

This will allow your downline to join your agency using your own join code.  You can find your agency’s join code in the Settings tab. 

Your Agency can still link with O’Neill Marketing using our join code 6334.  Enter the O’Neill Marketing join code in your settings tab to link your agency with O’Neill Marketing!

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